Paintings by Alaska artist Kesler Woodward will be on exhibit at Stremmel Gallery from March 13 through April 10.

The artist says that most all of the paintings on exhibit were completed in the past year, during a worldwide pandemic and at a time of great social unrest in our country and the world.

“Here in the North, we have hours of lingering, luminous twilight in every season, and this year I have been especially grateful for the magic of those long hours of dusk and dawn. I haven’t set out to make paintings about the state of the world, and I wouldn’t know how to do so if I tried, but the extraordinary light of Alaska has served as comfort and inspiration for me throughout this strange time. It has become more than ever a kind of metaphor for hope in a time of uncertainty,” the artist said on his webpage.

Stremmel Gallery is following social-distancing guidelines. Patrons are asked to wear masks and maintain six feet from fellow guests and gallery staff.

If you go:

What: Kesler Woodward exhibit

Where: Stremmel Gallery, 1400 S. Virginia

When: March 13 - April 10