Our Values

Reno Arch 18x24in 2013 “Arch” by Bryce Chisholm

Mission Statement: Art Spot Reno is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and providing information and education to artists and the Reno community.

Vision: An organization that supports local arts and businesses by integrating them with the community.

Art Spot Reno’s aim is to:

  • Be the online and social networking informational resource on the arts and culture of Reno
  • Provide interactive educational programming
  • Support artists through advocacy, exposition opportunities, and professional development
  • Promote economic opportunity for local businesses
  • Celebrate all of the city’s art, from fine to quirky, 365 days a year

Our Philosophy: Art Spot Reno is defining Reno as a burgeoning arts destination by contributing to the growth and integration between local artists and businesses. We celebrate and support the Reno community by coordinating diverse arts and cultural events, providing tours, and partnering with alternative venues for artistic experiences.

Our Motto: Reno is the SPOT for year-round art. More Art Everywhere.